Wind Turbines: How To Make Energy As Expensive As Possible

$425 Million (estimated) 250 MW Wind Farm

$425 Million (estimated) 250 MW Wind Farm

The Smoky Hills in central Kansas (20 miles west of Salina) are described as one of the windiest places in America. But the wind doesn’t always blow there. Imagine all 155 wind turbines standing motionless, becalmed. I saw it on October 16.

250 MW of wind power, costing an estimated $425 Million installed (that is about one-half of a billion dollars) requires about 90% backup capacity to be available on line almost instantly.

If you don’t count the capital investment above, the fast-start absolutely reliable backup supply, and the power transmission costs, wind power only costs about 3.3 times what electricity from coal costs.

But wind power is subsidized heavily by government, and government has a virtually endless source of money called taxes. So it really doesn’t matter how comparatively inefficient wind power is.

The cost of energy is blowing in the Kansas wind

Hertel said when you look at the cost as wholesale fuel costs, not including capital costs, wind costs 5 cents per megawatt hour, compared to 10 to 12 cents per megawatt hour for natural gas. Coal averages only 1.5 cents per megawatt hour.

“Therefore, using 2008 dollars, the cost for energy from a wind/natural gas facility is more expensive than the cost of power from coal-fired unit,” Hertel said. “If the Holcomb Expansion Project is not built, and we have to rely on wind and gas facilities, the difference in the price for energy would result in an increased cost of $46,909,800 per year for Sunflower’s customers. The annual increase in residential electric bills would be approximately $600 per year.”

Lisa Linowes, executive director of the Industrial Wind Action Group, said wind supporters often try to pass off the misconception that wind is free when in fact there are costs to consider which fall into two main categories of redundant generation and transmission costs.

Linowes said that because wind power is intermittent and can’t be depended other reliable forms of generation must still be utilized at the times when the wind is not blowing.

“If the winds diminish suddenly or act erratically, the energy the turbines would have delivered would need to be quickly replaced in order to ensure constant service,” Linowes told Kansas Liberty. “This backup generation made available at a moment’s notice is very expensive and should be factored in as part of the cost of wind-powered electricity.”

Linowes said the other factor, the cost of transmission lines, is a more serious issue as energy produced from wind can’t be transported the same as energy produced by natural gas or coal, and so many miles of new transmission lines may be needed to deliver the energy wind-driven units produce.

Wind also receives a disproportionate share of government subsidies. Wind receives a subsidy more than 50 times greater than that paid for coal on the basis of megawatt hours, according to the Industrial Wind Action Group, basing its conclusion on a report released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

“These transmission costs, which are borne by the ratepayers and in some instances by the taxpayers, easily run into the billions of dollars,” Linowes said. “Bearing in mind that ratepayers are also being asked to pay for upgrades to our existing transmission lines due to aging infrastructure, the cost to build new transmission to wind facilities is additional and could be substantial.”

Linowes said that, in the case of wind, “there may be no direct fuel cost allocations, but we do need to understand and factor in the delivery cost allocations, a factor often omitted.”

Obama to Save Food, Potato Supply

Greedy Farmers have taken unwise risks and planted seed potatos during climate change; even though FNMA and FMAC didn’t order them to.

Obama will appoint a slightly experienced (black nationalist Marxist attorney spitting image of himself for diversity) food czar to take over management of the farm industry; hope and change in operation.

Sure, food prices may go up slightly through the roof, but the ones doing the paying will be the rich former slave-holders, after all, who have long milked the free market system. The gravy train is over. Affordable food for SEIU and ACORN; that is what we need.

Cold Temperatures Threaten Seed Potato Crop

Missoulian, AP Story


BOZEMAN – Record-low temperatures in southwestern Idaho are threatening to destroy at least a portion of this season’s crop of seed potatoes.

Spuds still in the ground could be saved by a layer of snow; a dusting had fallen on Bozeman and the surrounding region by Sunday.

Nina Zydak, director of the Montana State University Potato Lab, said most area farmers have already started digging.

But many farmers expect to lose some of their potatoes.

“It’s over,” Larry Van Dyke, who owns Van Dyke Farms in Townsend, told the Bozeman Chronicle.

He says when it’s this cold for too long, the frost penetrates and the taters are toast.

The main goal now is to make sure the spoiled potatoes don’t make it into his cellar.

Temperatures on Saturday evening dipped to 17 degrees; the last time it was this cold, this early, in southwestern Idaho was more than two decades ago, in 1985.

Arctic Sea Temps: Bottom Is Out

Arctic temps are dropping astonishingly fast.

The Polar Bears are in serious trouble, now.

The Chicago Bears got lucky, this weekend. Wait ’til November.

What happened to “Global Warming?” (From BBC!)

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.

Ocean Heat Content: Dropping again From WUWT:

Arctic Freeze Is ON!

Arctic Freeze Is ON!

Cold Records Smashed In Denver

Cold records, all-time record lows, not just broken, but smashed by 7-8 degrees, in Denver, on October 9/10.

Carbon dioxide still going up, though.

Carbon dioxide warming was nice while it lasted

Carbon dioxide warming was nice while it lasted

Denver breaks 104 year old cold temperature record as Arctic chill sets in

H/T: Tom Nelson

Alarming Advance Continues – Artic Sea Ice

Our highly advanced computer models show that at the present rate of advance, Arctic sea ice will consume Washington, D.C. in only 89 years.

Can we hold out until then?

Huge, Alarming Advance in Arctic Sea Ice

Huge, Alarming Advance in Arctic Sea Ice

See also: SBVOR Arctic Sea Ice & Polar Bear Commentary
(You can always get the updated (daily I think) Arctic Sea Ice Extent graphic here; scroll down)

Finland, Gore Sting Obama For $530 Million

Al Gore and Finland needed bigtime $$$CASH to build $100K electric sports cars. The market should be huge (grin), but $530 Million is a lot of cash.

They found a sucker.

Our commander-in-chief, wants to fund foreign car manufacturing operations, in competition with GM (himself), not to mention the viable, free-market domestic concern, Ford.

For some reason, free-market capital would not fund it. Wonder why.

H/T: Gore Lied Video: Al Gore-backed Fisker Automotive gets $529M US government loan to bankroll production of $89,000 hybrid sports car

Your Stimulus Funds At Work

Climate Scientists Access $5 Billion Gov't Funded Computer Model

Climate Scientists Access $5 Billion Gov't Funded Computer Model

The scientists have proved, using this highly advanced and sophisticated model, that a temperature increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius caused by human-induced carbon dioxide emissions is now likely.

They are expecting a prize, too.

This highly advanced computer climate model anticipates no possibility of Earth’s temperature going down; so there is no need to worry about another Dalton Minimum, obviously.

Elsewhere, prospects for a healthy sunspot cycle 24 have degraded further, since February. Indeed, global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning.

Disclaimer: The US Government is a not-for-profit “organization.”

H/T: Wheel! – – Of! – – Silly!

A new analysis of climate risk, published by researchers at MIT and elsewhere, shows that even moderate carbon-reduction policies now can substantially lower the risk of future climate change. It also shows that quick, global emissions reductions would be required in order to provide a good chance of avoiding a temperature increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial level — a widely discussed target.